Hinderances to Personal Development
For most working professionals, there never seems to be enough time in the day. Despite putting in long hours, your to-do list keeps growing while major goals and priorities get sidelined. This productivity paradox afflicts leaders at all levels - a 2017 Gallup study found 79% of people feel stress from lacking sufficient time.
The culprit? A theft of time from unproductive habits like excessive TV/social media, lack of prioritization, failure to make decisions, and failure to optimize daily routines. The average person spends over 2 hours per day on social media alone - time better invested in strategic endeavors, like personal development.
Time is our scarcest resource, but a few targeted tactics can reclaim thousands of wasted hours each year:
Protect Your Highest Priorities Identify your 1-3 most vital weekly priorities and schedule dedicated, distraction-free blocks to make progress. Protect this time with great commitment.
Terminate Time Thieves Audit how you spend your day and eliminate unproductive internet browsing, TV viewing, administrative tasks that can be automated or delegated.
Practice Morning Mastery
Gain 2-3 hours per day by adopting a simple morning routine - wake at 5am, review priorities, exercise, and spend 60-90 focused minutes on your #1 goal before others' demands hit.
Implementing these 3 pillars alone can easily recapture 1,000+ hours annually - over 25 additional full-time work weeks to pursue a better you! Applying rigorous time investments in this way can lead to exponential results:
Mastering expertise in AI, business analytics or emerging technologies
Starting a side business that achieves your entrepreneurial dreams, or
Developing your leadership skills
The alternative? Remaining stuck on the productivity treadmill, constantly busy but making little tangible progress on meaningful work. Reassess where you are spending your time. Decide to spend your time investing in you.  Decide your priorities and commit time to do them. You will have to give up the time thieves, and you will become richer in productivity.
If you would like additional resources and insights on establishing habits that create time for personal development, download my FREE resource, Top Ten Time Management Habits.